The Adventures of Adam the HipNerd

  • Maslow CNC First Project: Pentaflake Tabletop, Test #5 (I Think?)

    For test #5 (there’s been so many tests, I think this was #5) of the Pentaflake Tabletop, I modified the clip on the router with a big bushing with plenty of surface area for epoxying, and used some epoxy putty made for gluing metal to…

  • Hand Editing G-code for Better Machining

    One of the issues I’m having with with my cutting the pentaflake pattern for my Backyard Tabletop project is that the router bit stops in one of the corners of each pentagon shape before moving up. This causes the bit to rub against the side…

  • Maslow CNC First Project: Pentaflake Tabletop

    For my first project with the Maslow, I decided to revisit a very old project, a pentaflake tabletop.  Unfortunately, I have run into some technical issues, which i must troubleshoot. You can find all the gory details here: 

  • Maslow CNC Pt. 1

    I built a Maslow CNC. This video is part one of the build process—the electronics and assembling the frame. The Maslow is a relatively inexpensive, open source CNC kit. The kit comes with the electronics and specialty hardware, and you provide the lumber, router, and…

  • Möbius Roller Update

    Part One Here Finally realized that trying to cut or zip the channels open is just overly complicated, and that (although it seems a little less magical) I should just print in two pieces and glue together. There are multiple benefits: It looks better. Being…

  • Seeking the Perfect Möbius Roller

    I’ve been trying to perfect the process of making these things that I call “Möbius Rollers”. Issue #1—Painting: On the top one I used multiple coats of filler primer, sanded it with 100 then 220 grit sandpaper, painted it blue, taped it, painted it green…

  • 3D Printed Halftone

    I had an idea to 3D print a halftone image by making a grid of holes where the larger holes would be brighter halftone pixels, and the smaller holes would be darker ones, and then I’d light it from behind. I tried several approaches, including…

  • Drawstring Fixer

    I created this little bullet shaped device to help me pull a drawstring through the hem of my sweatpants. STL files on Thingiverse

  • My New 3D Printer

    Just got a Prusa I3 MK3 printer. I ordered the MK2 in June 2017, switched my order to the MK3 in October, which added a few months on to my delivery time. Finally arrived, February 2018. I’m super happy with it so far. Leagues beyond…

  • Slow Motion Butterfly

    Monarch Butterfly captured in slow motion on a bougainvillea outside my house. Spring in Southern California.